Sunday, June 3, 2007

UAE global warming and solution

According Gulf news in UAE there 16% of people know about global warming and this making UAE has very high amount of CO2. Therefore, the government should educate people and we should think seriously about this problem because we will face it soon. In order to save our planet from the global warming effects, we should reduce CO2 levels. To do this many regulations and laws in our country should change. The ratio of car per family should reduce to two cars per family. We should use public transport instead of using our own cars. For example, no need to use cars for short distances (less than 5 km); we can use bicycles or walk. People should rethink public transport and start using it because if we use the public transport we will reduce the number of cars and traffic, as well as CO2. We should teach our children about the importance of this issue and keep them aware to save the earth in the future. Finally, these things are easy to do, but how many of us will start following them? In my opinion, the government should force people to do that.

The Main effect

There are many effects of global warming. The most important effect is the greenhouse effect. All people believe that the greenhouse is causing the global warming because of some gases like CO2 and methane and they are known as greenhouse gasses. These gases allow the solar rays to pass through the atmosphere, but trap infra-red radiation which are emitted by the earth surface. This is a natural phenomenon to make the life continue, but if the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, more thermal energy will be trapped. Burning fuel like coal and oil are also releasing CO2 and they contribute to the greenhouse effect.


This phenomenon led to many devastating effects. The major effect is increasing of temperature on the earth by about 3° to 5° C (34° to 41° Fahrenheit) by the year 2010 and that is because of the gases that stay in the atmosphere layers. Another effect might be the rise of sea levels by at least 25 meters (82 feet) by the year 2010. Because of the increase in the temperature, the Ice Mountains in the Polar region are melting. This leads to a raise in the sea level. Furthermore, changing the world map is one of the effects of global warming. Many low land islands will disappear because the rise of sea level. When the water covers the plants and causes some of them to die. When they die, the animals lose a source of food, along with their habitat.

The Main Cause

There are many causes of global warming as I mentioned. In my opinion, the most important one is greenhouse gases. They are called greenhouse gases because they make the earth warm. A glass greenhouse keeps the temperature high to keep plants grow. The greenhouses gases prevent reflect rays from the sun returning to space. This as we know is useful for plants, but its effect to earth is more than its benefit. It is also one cause of the ozone hole according to scientists. They believe that this phenomenon is going rapidly and the people do not take it as a serious problem and reduce the number of greenhouse gases.

The causes

There are many causes of global warming. The major cause is hydrocarbons pollution. This is caused by smoke, which comes out of car exhausts and factories. That smoke has many harmful gases like CO2, CO1 and methane. Another cause is reduction of rainforest. This forest has many trees, which have a vital role in our life because it releases CO2 and Oxygen. That helps in reducing the harmful gases in the air. Beside these, the hole in the Ozone layer is also a cause of global warming. This hole allows the sun’s rays to come in to the earth with all harmful radiation such as X-borne infrared and Ultra-violet. These radiations stay in the earth and cause what is called the greenhouse effect. They contribute to the heating surface of Earth's atmosphere.

Global Warming

Global Warming is the increase in the average temperatures of the earth air and ocean in the last decade. This is considered a phenomenon because it affects badly on the world. In this essay, I would like to write a description about it. This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect. The scientist called like this because it is similar to how works in plastic houses (greenhouse) similar to the sunlight inside the earth. It led to a lot of devastating damage. The main one is the hole in Ozone layer. This hole allows harmful x-rays like ultraviolet and infrared rays to enter the earth and cause melting ice in the Arctic and high water, and floods some parts of the lands. There are many reasons why this problem started from the beginning. The major reason is pollution, whether it comes out of the car and factory exhaust or from other sources. This was a brief summary about global warming.

Monday, April 16, 2007

about me

My name is Abdulla Al-Jaberi. I was born in Abu Dhabi. I am 26 years old and I am married. I have one child whose name is Omer. He is 3 and half years old.

I graduated from ADNOC Technical Institute (ATI) in 2000. Then I joined Borouge Company. From 2000 until 2005, I worked with Borouge as an instrument technician. In 2005, I applied to my manager to continue my studies and he agreed. After that, I joined the ADMC. When I finished Foundations, I changed my major to IT.

My hobbies are playing football and watching football matches. In addition, I like to swim and jog on the Corniche.

In the future, I would like to finish my BH degree with a high grade and have a good position in Borouge Company. Besides this, I will open my own business that I have not decided yet, if the God wills that.