Sunday, June 3, 2007

UAE global warming and solution

According Gulf news in UAE there 16% of people know about global warming and this making UAE has very high amount of CO2. Therefore, the government should educate people and we should think seriously about this problem because we will face it soon. In order to save our planet from the global warming effects, we should reduce CO2 levels. To do this many regulations and laws in our country should change. The ratio of car per family should reduce to two cars per family. We should use public transport instead of using our own cars. For example, no need to use cars for short distances (less than 5 km); we can use bicycles or walk. People should rethink public transport and start using it because if we use the public transport we will reduce the number of cars and traffic, as well as CO2. We should teach our children about the importance of this issue and keep them aware to save the earth in the future. Finally, these things are easy to do, but how many of us will start following them? In my opinion, the government should force people to do that.


eighty eight Smoking Accessories said...

You are right Abdulla
The people in the world must educate about this issue, but do you think it's easiy to educate all of them in short term ?

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